What's going on with Synergistic Research fuses?

I live in California and a couple of weeks ago we had strange lightning storms that started the many fires burning in the State.  It also fried the fuse in my Pass XA30.5.  I got the amp second hand and it came with a SR Blue fuse.  I called Pass and they recommended a very cheap fuse which I ordered and installed.  Because I was curious, I took the SR sticker off the old burnt out fuse and found that it was a very cheap SIBA brand fuse underneath.  It is clear that SR is either not making the ceramic casing for this fuse or using the SIBA fuse and then doing stuff to it.  At the very worst, it's just slapping a sticker on it and charging a ton more

The thing is, I'm pretty sure I could hear a difference for the worse when I installed the cheap glass fuse post lightning storm.  Could it be that SR is modifying an existing fuse to make it sound better?  Maybe some more technically minded folks here on the forum could help me understand


Showing 7 responses by spenav


While I don’t have the answer to any of your questions, I can tell you that in my Nuprime amplifier, the Synergistic Orange fuse was nothing short of unbelievable. This is the best tweak I have ever tried and I have absolutely no regret. If you have $160 on a credit card, give it a try. If it doesn’t work for you just return it, no question asked for a full refund. 
Do you believe that power cords make a difference?  If your answer is yes then apply the same logic about the manufacturers and see how unconvincing you sound. If your answer is no, then...
By the way, science progresses only when people are willing to challenge the established knowledge of the era, whether it is flat earth or gravity. You are no smarter than anybody else, you are just more stubborn. You think your engineering theories are immutable and that we should suspend reality to fit them. It doesn’t work that way. I didn’t think a fuse could change the sound of my amp either, but yet it did. So no amount of theories can change that. It is what it is. Let’s agree to disagree if you cannot hear it in your system. 
Wow!  Sometimes I envy you guys. Life must be very easy for you. All good amplifiers sound the same as long as they have similar specs, right?  There are seven colors and no more. Pace, rhythm, soundstage, musicality, timing are all pigment of our imaginations. Your innocence is admirable. Too late for me though. I cannot go back. I heard it, I heard the music and I want it in all its glory and in all its simplicity. Keep safe. 
Synergistic offers a 100% money back warranty for 30 days. So have at it and enjoy the ride. You are doing the right thing. 
According to Atmasphere, the fuse makes a measurable difference. But Georgehifi thinks that this is not possible. I would love to see you two guys directly talk to each other. That would be interesting. Please gentlemen, you have the floor. 
You really should talk to @atmasphere I know what he said. As for me, I am sorry, I cannot dismiss what I heard and am still hearing for what you believe based on theories. I choose reality. I wish I was like you, convinced beyond doubt that my ears and brain are lying to me but my imagination is not that fertile. When reality hit me as hard as the orange fuse, I have to tap out and admit that my theories are inaccurate or need further refinement. Sorry. 
@cal91Don’t get too upset about this thing. You tried it an formed an opinion based on what you experienced. Cakyol has to do the same, then he will know. In this field, there are a lot of things that don’t make sense but work. Just make sure you get a money back warranty because it’s easy for dishonest people to mislead the uninitiated. Some decades ago, I bought a $20 Monster power strip to protect my modest system from lightning and to my surprise, the bass from my cheap sub went from substandard to great. I couldn’t believe it. So I disconnected the strip and the bass went back to crap  I knew then, that they were things that are unexplained but true. The last six feet couldn’t change the power characteristic they say. Yet, here I was.