What's going on with Synergistic Research fuses?

I live in California and a couple of weeks ago we had strange lightning storms that started the many fires burning in the State.  It also fried the fuse in my Pass XA30.5.  I got the amp second hand and it came with a SR Blue fuse.  I called Pass and they recommended a very cheap fuse which I ordered and installed.  Because I was curious, I took the SR sticker off the old burnt out fuse and found that it was a very cheap SIBA brand fuse underneath.  It is clear that SR is either not making the ceramic casing for this fuse or using the SIBA fuse and then doing stuff to it.  At the very worst, it's just slapping a sticker on it and charging a ton more

The thing is, I'm pretty sure I could hear a difference for the worse when I installed the cheap glass fuse post lightning storm.  Could it be that SR is modifying an existing fuse to make it sound better?  Maybe some more technically minded folks here on the forum could help me understand


Showing 12 responses by rodman99999

Then: there are those that will waste their keystrokes, on the endless, vapid preaching of the Naysayer Doctrine.      Ya just gotta believe their faith-based religion, or suffer their ubiquitous diatribes.
AMEN! "At the end of the day"; the only thing that matters, as regards whatever we’ve done with (or to) our systems, is satisfying our own ears.        It’s just the incessant dogmatism and, "trust me" mantra, of the Naysayer Doctrine preachers, that’s become so tedious.       Only my opinion, of course.      Happy listening!
I’m just speculating here, but: back in the days when tubes were a bigger thing, there were quite a few good, major and minor operators, that were contracting others, to turn out and rebrand valves, for them.      Could it be, that Synergistic has fuses, or their components (casing, wire, caps), produced by someone else, to their specs?                Then: does whatever Voodoo they do?      Do they draw the wire, with which they build their cables/interconnects?      I don’t know.      Just that they certainly do work well.           But; no- my fuses are all HI-FI Tuning.
If you buy into the 'Naysayer Gospel'; you're a, "chump" (and/or damned), if you're so deceived, as to think you can trust your ears and mental capacities, to determine whether your system sounds better, with a different fuse.     Of course; a 30 Day, Money-Back, Satisfaction Guarantee, would seem to take the bite (and some excuses) out of an actual listening test's costs.                     HI-FI Tuning's fuses are my flavor.
" i would hate to see you cry if you understood how electricity works."                                                No one, "understands" exactly how, "electricity works".      That’s why there’s so much Electrical THEORY.       The number of Wiki-Scientists on these pages, attempting to win the IG-Nobel Prize in Pseudo-Physics, is always amusing.                Whenever some educated someone actually does discover how exactly how electricity does function, they’ll be lauded by the scientific community, will have solved some of the disparities between Relativity and Quantum Mechanics, receive a Nobel and we’’ll hear about it.      Newton’s THEORIES were largely superseded by Einstein’s, then came Feynman’s.       For now; none of you can prove your statements (theories), regarding fuses, wires, or anything else, as regards our systems.      The following are for your edification/education/correction (which is why most of you won’t bother to read the links): https://www.thegreatcoursesdaily.com/how-einstein-challenged-newtonian-physics/      then: http://hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu/hbase/Forces/qed.html#:~:text=Quantum%20electrodynamics%2C%20co....      and: https://bigthink.com/philip-perry/an-updated-feynman-experiment-could-heal-the-rift-between-quantum-...                  Happy listening, even to those that refuse to follow the scientific process of observation and experimentation, in their own systems, with their own ears, FOR FREE (30 day return policy).
@lemonhaze - Not to be contentious, but; Scientists couldn’t explain why Bumblebees could fly, with the Science (Physics) of the day.     Once Fluid Dynamics hit the scene; they figured it out.      I’d used that exact illustration, to explain the points we’re trying to make, here, years ago.      There are too many things in this universe, that WORK, whether we can explain them, hear them, like them, believe in them, or not.     ie:
From 09-22-2014 8:08am   :Another way of looking at it:   It was patently
obvious(providing they could see) to the earliest Aeronautical
Engineers, that Bumblebees could fly.     A problem existed,
however, in that early Science could not provide an
explanation as to how or why, let alone hovering.    
Understanding was limited to the principles of lift(per
Bernoulli).    Not until scientists began the recent study of
Fluid Dynamics, could they fathom how those small wings,
regardless of how fast they might flap, could possibly get
such a fat ass off the ground!    There are a plethora of things
audible to those that can hear and/or are willing to listen,
explanations notwithstanding.     Many things that we don’t know
how to quantify or explain(YET).
Not often that one hears or reads a witty, grammatically correct, correctly spelled usage of the word, "segue", either!         At least; not in Indiana.
@cakyol- With all due respect (in all earnest), regarding all that electronics experience, education, EE Degree, etc: KUDOS for your dedication to your profession.        But: is the part where WE are supposed to trust your ears, in the New or Old Testaments, of the Naysayer’s Doctrine?      Help thou, my unbelief!
The truth will set you free, but- obfuscation will trip you up!      Old rhyme: A centipede was happy – quite!      Until a toad said, in fun, "Pray, which leg comes after which?"      Which threw her mind in such a pitch, she laid bewildered in the ditch, considering how to run.       Analysis Paralysis: https://bsci21.org/9-tips-to-avoid-paralysis-by-analysis/           Overthinking simple and FREE (30 day trial) experiments, can result in ears deprived of enhanced musical presentations.
The Naysayer Doctrine (a faith-based religion) clearly has it’s roots deeply embedded in, "measurements" and, "engineering experience".       I’d be interested in hearing what (if any) measurements have been taken and/or what experiments have been conducted, by the Naysayer Evangelists, or their Popes, that aren’t based on an Engineering/Physics understanding of electricity/electromagnetism from the 19th Century (ie: Ohm, Maxwell, Faraday, etc).       The same cult was taking shots at Nikola Tesla, back in his day!   https://nextexx.com/2020/06/18/why-do-scientists-hate-tesla/        He still managed to take the world, kicking and screaming into the 20th Century, with his inventions.      A good read: https://www.amazon.com/Man-Who-Invented-Twentieth-Century/dp/148122980X