what's causing a SME 3 to stick after a few spins?

I just bought a Rega Planar 3 with an SME series III tonearm. When I drop the stylus at any place on the LP it starts to skip after about five seconds. It's as if there is some resistance to the arm moving horizontally. I've tried to adjust the anti-skating and it seemed to work for a while and then the problem returned? Is there maybe some damping silicone in the leaking into the bearing?

Showing 4 responses by leisual

That sounds right but when I lower the arm in the space between the arm rest and the platter it drops a few mm below the lp surface. Thanks anyway
The problem occurred when I first hooked up the turntable after arriving from Fed Ex. It eventually improved and then returned after I adjusted the overhang. This mis-tracking went away also and now seems to be working just fine.
By skipping I mean it gets stuck in the same groove. When I raised the arm and and gently pushed it towards the spindle I did feel a little bit of resistance.
I'm not the first owner and the person I bought it from wasn't either but says it was set up professionally.
I'm going to change the cartridge and see if the problem returns.
"Luckily" after playing through 3 sides without incident this morning I got stuck in a groove on the first track of the 4th side. I found some thread, looped it around the arm like you said, lifted it up off the lp and tried to move it toward the spindle. I definitely felt some resistance where it was stuck and once I moved it past that point it was moving fine.
The cartridge, by the way, is a nearly new Rega Bias 2 tracking at 1.75g.
The only response I got was from SME simply stating that they don't support the series III anymore. No one else responded including a couple of other companies I came across.

The only thing I have to add is that while working on the motor of the Rega I had it turned upside down. When I flipped it back over the arm would get stuck immediately as opposed to after a few revolutions. I moved it back to the work bench and suddenly it felt free with no resistance. I reconnected the table to the amp and now it seems to work just fine.