What's better, one conductor or two conductors for an RCA interconnect?

I have a somewhat nice RCA analogue interconnect with one conductor, referred to as a coaxial Cable I guess.   But I see higher end RCA cables with two conductors and ground wire. Which is better?

Is better detail provided when connections are made with two conductors? 


Showing 1 response by ghdprentice

Interconnects can be a very important components in a system. The better the boxes in your system the more important the interconnects are. With cheap interconnects the actually materials are important and maybe the configuration. But as the cost goes up… as does the effort in getting better sound the less the specific materials and configurations determine the output. It is the effort put in to choosing materials and configuration. There are lots of ways to accomplish great sounding interconnects.

In most cases one parameter will not determine the sound. It will be highly dependent on your system and the specific interconnects.