What's a Triode configuration?

It was suggested that for future consideration that if I upgrade, that the selection of a Triode preamp with Solid State regulation combined to a Solid State Amp would be a better musical combo to me. My dreams are to look for Audio Research when I do but, would an AR pre amp fit this description? or would I be considering some different brands? as I don't know the differences or how to distinguish them when referring to tube equipment?

Showing 2 responses by judy426

Don't limit yourself to Audio Research. There are many tubed brands (Sonic Frontiers, BAT, deHavilland, Joule, Supratek, Conrad Johnson, Rogue, etc.) which will offer you better performance at comparable pricing. Check out the number of used ARC pieces for sale. Serious audiophiles don't use them very long after hearing the sonic deficiencies in their own systems.
Good luck.
You seem to be emotionally attached with this dream of owning a ARC product. If that's the case follow your dream but also know you have not purchased the best value for your money. Time was when ARC was one of the best high end lines available. Unfortunately that time has passed and many newer and more innovative manufacturers have stepped all over ARC. Once again check out products from Sonic Frontiers, BAT, VAC, Rogue, Joule, Aesthetix, Supratek,etc. They are demonstrably better, more engaging, and sonically superior to ARC which has long been living off past laurels. There will inevitably be some ARC defenders posting to the contrary because they have invested unwisely in the line and can't deal with it.