what’s a song cover that you think is better than the original?

The first ones to come to mind are Whitney’s version of I Will Always Love You and Allen Stone’s Georgia On My Mind but I would love to hear other contributions as well! I feel like there are a lot of songs where a covered version gets more popular than the original and people end up not realizing that it is a cover (ex. i had a friend that genuinely believed the Jonas Brothers wrote Year 3000). so, what‘a a song that was written by one artist but (figuratively) owned by another?


Showing 1 response by tony1954

Levon Helm "Take Me To The River"

Joe Cocker "With a Little Help from My Friends"

Marvin Gaye - 'I Heard it Through the Grapevine'

Johnny Cash "Hurt"

Linda Ronstadt "Hey Mister That's Me Up On The Jukebox"

Guns N' Roses "Knockin' on Heaven's Door"

Rod Stewart "I Don't Want To Talk About It"

Crosby Stills Nash & Young "Woodstock"

Jose Feliciano "Light My Fire"