Thanks for all the info! I've got a test record on the way and I'll add even more mass to my Fidelity Research headshell. I've been lining the inside of the headshell with the lead tape that is normally used for golf and tennis equipment. That has allowed me to use the extra balancing weight of the M2-12R. I've been noticing since I posted originally that the mistracking happens almost always at the same place, about 2/3 into an LP. I wonder if I have to readdress my alignment?
What's a real good arm for a Decca Cartridge?
I have a Decca London Super Gold with a paratrace stylus. It's sound as good as anything I've ever heard using my SME M2-12R arm on a rebuilt TD124. The problem is I want something that will track all my LPs and the SME just won't. After a bunch of tweaking, including adding tons of mass, it'll play 90% without issue. What arm will get me those extra 10%?