What's a good step-up transformer?

Everyone says how moving coils are so much better than moving magnets, but what they don't metion is that the signal is so much smaller you need a step up transformer to run it with most phonostages. I'm wondering what a good one might be. Audio Note seems to have the market cornered but they are not cheap.
I'd seriously suggest giving John Chapman at Bent Audio a jingle and ask about the TX-103 unit, based on the Stevens and Billington product that Twl mentions.

I have one of his TX-102 passive volume control units(preamp). It is EXCELLENT.
You might want to try K+K audio's kit. It only requires a couple of solder joints and you can set it up for 5/10/20 times the gain. It only 199.00 and it uses lundal transformers. It sounds great.

Regards Tom
How much is the unit by Cotter? Where can I find out more information about the Cotter unit? I couldn't find the company's website.

I have seen a couple of Cotters for sale and they are around a grand. You can buy a new Audio Note for less than a grand (not silver, of course). There is a Kondo S9 Transformer on Audiogon now at 1700/bo; if you can afford it you could probably pick it up for a price that would allow you to use it and then sell it for not much less than what you paid for it as the major depreciation has taken place at the prior owner's expense.

EAR also makes a nice transformer you can buy new but it somewhere between 500 and a grand is my recollection.

There is an Audio Innovations transformer for 200/offer. That is the company where Peter Qvortrup worked at prior to doing the Audio Note UK business. Might be worth checking into.