What's a better tweak/upgrade? USB DAC or ERT

Hey everyone,

I've been contemplating spending between $200-400 for some upgrades to my system. While I could always throw that money at cables or something, I really don't think that would be worth it. I was thinking about either trying a USB DAC or a super tweeter (probably the AV123 ERT, but maybe a DIY with a Fountek or LCY). What do you guys think would give the best "bang-for-the-buck".

SPEAKERS: Soliloquy 5.0s with lead filled matching stands
AMP: Bryston b60r
SOURCE: Apple Airport Express streaming Apple lossless format from a MacBook Pro.
CABLES: Acoustic Impact Sonic Wave (a good budget cable in my opinion)
ROOM: 12' x 20'

My next major upgrade will be new speakers; however, I thought maybe I'd tide myself over with something smaller for now. What do you guys think?

Happy Listening!


Showing 1 response by veroman


check this out. i bought one to bypass NAD CDP built in. i think it improved the sound in redbook cd's. just google scott nixon