What receptacle for 240V 20A in the States?

Just trying to get a bit more juice to my amp. It can be converted to run 120V or 240V (also with a quick change of the fuses).

However, I'm having some trouble finding a good receptacle. Any thoughts?

Thanks in advance!
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Showing 1 response by albertporter


Your link leads to some great quality Pass and Seymore outlets but only one model (the 6-20 R) is designed to prevent it being used with a common 120 Volt household plug.

Murphy's law: IF someone can plug into an outlet..... they will.

Sure, the Hoover will vacuum better than ever for a couple of seconds, but the smoke and fire is not worth it.

Eldartford's suggestion is better.

The plug he's referring to cannot be mistaken for a 120 Volt nor will the 120 volt plugs fit the slot.