What process do you use to purchase cables?

I’m in the process of updating my gear and thinking about what to do for updated cables. Every time I think about it, my head spins as there are so many different cable options & companies. I struggle to even start the process.

I don’t care if it’s speaker cables, interconnects or power cords – Just explain what you typically do to nail down your purchase.

FYI – my past “process” was to simply purchase whatever I found to be the most affordable options recommended by folks on this board. For that reason, I’m currently using Canare 4S11 speaker cables, Mogami Gold interconnects, and Pangea power cords.

Since I’m planning to push my component updates to significantly higher quality gear, I don’t want to fall short on the cable side. If you have a process, let’s hear it! Thanks


Showing 1 response by saleh84

I just buy Audioquest. The cable that I can afford from the line up for a specific task: IC, speaker cable or power cord. Minimum amount of colour, Just increased transparency as you go up the ladder. Allows me to hear what my gear sounds like, so then I could pick what I believe is the right component. I don't use cables as tuning tools and i don't think they should be