What power cord should I get for my front end?

I am rebuilding a new SET Stereo system and will be using a highly modified Tascam CD Player from Decware as the source,with class A Tube Output and tube power supply with dual attentuators and a IEC 15 amp receptacle so I can swap out power cords. The cd player fully moded is about $1,200.00 new and I really don't want to go any higher then $300.00 used for a power cord. Any suggestions. I am told PS Audio makes some good stuff.
Look for a used Oyaide Tunami GPX or a VH Audio Flavor 4 (actually you can get a new one in your budget). I've had both on digital sources and they are excellent values for the money.
I think Clio09 and Riley804 made good suggestions. I did not know of the takefiveaudio link, but assembled two Oyaide Tunami/C-079/P-079 power cords myself about a year ago for my source equipment (Esoteric P05/D05) in pretty much the same way as illustrated and described in the hyperlink. I feel like you should also know that in my case the cords initially sounded awful - I had to remove them right away, and was contemplating the loss of hard-earned $$$. I then took to cords to my office to power two quad-core Mac computers. After about two month I tried the two cords again in my stereo system - I could not believe the difference! I won't elaborate on what I was hearing - suffice to say that the cords remained in the system ever since, and I don't think I will ever replace them. I never thought that I would bow to the 'PC-hype', but as a scientist I have also learned to subject to experimental data.
I thought to add this to the two posts above, which, again, I think suggested you well. Good luck with choosing - or perhaps assembling ? - your power cords.
Thanks for your responses. As a matter of fact I do have some old lawn mower extension cords I have been playing around as speaker cables and may try some experimental
stuff with the llustrated helps I saw from some of u.
The flavor 4 looks interesting since its cyro treated; that
may be a possibility. I do hear a definate improvment with cyro treated wire and have not really thought of getting cyro treated wire for a PC Cord
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