What percentage of digital vs. analog?

To those who have large classical record collections, what percentage of the time do you spend listening to your records?
Most, but not all, classical analog recordings are available with streaming. (I can’t speak for other genres.) Do you find that records generally sound better? I know there are audiophile record pressings that are exceptional. Also many older recordings from the 60s and 70s are unmatched.
But it seems to me that, at least in classical which I mostly listen to, digital sounds at least as good or better.
So, do you listen to records for sentimental reasons?


Showing 1 response by ghdprentice

I have a great analog and digital leg and a large collection of classical. There is no consistent difference between the two on my system. Both digital and analog sound fantastic… there are more high rez versions on like than in my collection although I have many audiophile pressings.


To split hairs occasionally a vinyl pressing of the same recording will sound a tiny bit better… but usually not. I believe this is dependent of the pressing number. The actually molds used to press vinyl can only produce a few hundred (?… whatever, it is limited) then they are replaced as they wear out. I believe the occasional vinyl that sounds better is from a pressing from a new mold. This would account from my observations.


Summary, which sounds better analog or digital is entirely dependent on your equipment… now. That wasn’t true twenty years ago… the finest digital couldn’t touch great vinyl equipment of that time and earlier.