What music do you use to assess your system?

I'm looking for music that will reveal shortcomings or strengths within ones system. Lets list some of our favorite songs that have: good, fluctuating bass lines, songs that have a solid, centerd vocal, songs that are super complex with alot going on, songs that test tone, songs that test inner and micro detail, songs that test how well a speaker can convey dynamic swing, and any other aspects I didn't mention.

Of course I'm not looking for one song that covers all areas, I'm fine with one song only covering one aspect.

When listing songs, please include what we are looking for in that particular song!

Showing 1 response by chayro

I don't "assess" my own system, but when I am auditioning components, I usually use these: Something off Brubeck's Take 5 record. Desmond's alto will show up a honky or forward midrange like nothing i've heard. Nora Jones Feels like Home. Music isn't the greatest, but her voice is very well recorded and up front. Will also expose midrange and vocal forwardness and lack of naturalness. James Taylor JT. Vocals reach down to the baritone range and and will expose a tubby or thin lower midrange. This is often a function of the room, but it's still a useful tool. Lambchop Is a Woman - great low-level sounds like piano pedal and fretboard sounds show a system's ability to reproduce little sounds. That's pretty much what I go by.