What multi disc CD ??

Have Martin Logan Clarity speakers and Hafler amp and pre-amp. Any suggestions for a multi disc cd ? Don't want to spend thousands just hundreds. Never had an upper end multi cd if such a beast actually exists.
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You might find a CL5 cheap also. I picked one up NOS on ebay last spring for $375 still sealed in the box. Wonderful sound, but it lacks a digital output.
Get a used laptop computer (40-80Gigs hard drive-good sound card)($400-500), a cd brner ($200) and a decent DAC ($300or so)and you can store hundreds of cds. No moving parts to wear out. This will give you non-compressed ,great quality sound. Recommend that you some research in this area. You can always upgrade the DAC later--say an Apogee mini-dac.

You could also consider NAD 523 and Rotel RCC 955 used or the Denon DCM 380 which is a current model.
CAL CL-10. CAL is oob, but there are a couple of units for sale here right now for hundreds (and you can always add a nice DAC and get a top notch changer.
The Sony 2000 and 555 (both new models) are nice. The 555 does DVD, the 2000 is CD only.