What makes the Bloom around instruments . . .

I recently tried a Pass XA30.5 amp in place of my Spectron Musician III Mk 2.

In my particular system, the Spectron outclassed the Pass in every category except one: that magical Bloom surrounding each instrument and vocal entity.

I really liked that Bloom and I would like to understand how and why it's there because it is something very special and I'd really like to have it again in addition to everything the Spectron brings.


Showing 1 response by nonoise

I get that same 'bloom' you refer to when I use my Burson integrated. I don't feel it's distortion but the amps ability to pick up that last bit of info off the recording, intact, and sending it along to you speakers. That bloom is specific, and independent of everything else on the recording so it can't be distortion since its image and placement specific and nothing else is displaying it.
A very well regulated power supply can be the answer or if you believe what Burson says (and I do), being an all discreet design of high quality doesn't hurt.