What makes tape sound better than vinyl ?

Even when making recordings from vinyl to cassette, in some aspects it sounds better, though overall in this particular example the turntable sounds better than the deck. Tape sound appears to have a flow and continuity that vinyl lacks. 
On the contrary, this thread is about open reel decks and tape, I only mentioned cassette as an example of a 'mini reels'. 
We can compare anything to anything.
Fair enough. But that’s not what your OP was all about. A cassette is a mini reel? Interesting.
I have to take issue and disagree with your basic premise. Tape doesn't sound "better" than vinyl it sounds different, you may prefer those differences but it doesn't actually make it better it's just a matter of preferences after all there are people who like the sound of Bose speakers , and that doesn't mean they sound better. Just saying.
I would not say that is true and it definitely depends on the units and setup. So, no I would not say that is definitively true. Both can be excellent, both can be ordinary, both can be bad, and both can be a pain to setup.
Well, if you wish to open the thread up to comparisons, why not compare cassettes to CDs? That is the most ironic comparison of them all. You know, why an apparently low tech medium, a medium that was dumped twenty years ago, a medium they don’t even make anymore, sounds more musical than CDs. Why cassettes sound more DYNAMIC and ENTERTAINING than CDs. Why cassettes can be appreciated on systems the entire cost of which is - for all practical purposes - ZERO. Hel-loo!