What makes speaker's sound big?

Does a speaker need to have many drivers or a large driver area to sound big and fill the room?
I am asking this question because I have a pair of tekton design double impact and would like to replace them with smaller speakers and a pair of subwoofer's to better integrate the bass into my room.
I just borrowed a set of B&W 702S. The are good but the just don't make that floor to ceiling sound that I like.
Maybe I have already answered my own question (: But again I have not heard all the speakers out there.
My room measure 15x19' and the ceiling goes from 7.5 to 12.8'


Showing 4 responses by tomic601

yes, but there are those fleeting moments..when that flylined anchovie is swimming beyond ability....count it down....three, two, one....flick the lever drag.....and bang ! Tuna in the can...

IF your reference is well recorded acoustic event in reverberant space and you were there, then moving the illusion ( fleeting as it may be ) is possible, all else is just arguing about which flavor you like. Any 70’s to ? multi-track from Alan Parsons will do..... 
and I have been mucking about w various SOTA line sources since 1978.... Infinity, Maggie, Acoustat, Beveridge......

....no free lunch....
The real question is Diana Krall ten feet tall ? IF your reference tells you she is, chase your own tail......