What makes a speaker too big for a given room?

Aside from the visuals, of course. I've heard people refer to the idea of a speaker being appropriate (or not) for a given room.

Curious to hear people's thoughts as I have a small-ish space and want to upgrade this year.

Showing 1 response by tom6897

I think monitors are also much easier to integrate into a small to medium size room. You can control the height of the drivers as well which varies with listening position and room size and ear level which is hard to do with most towers as they are fixed in one large cabinet which is heavy and would look silly on stands.

IMO, monitors do the disappearing thing better, have a higher WAF, choose the type of stands you like (style, material, brand, size). In general are better looking and have fewer compromises built into them. Bass below 35Hz no big deal to me. Very little in musical audio.