What makes a speaker too big for a given room?

Aside from the visuals, of course. I've heard people refer to the idea of a speaker being appropriate (or not) for a given room.

Curious to hear people's thoughts as I have a small-ish space and want to upgrade this year.

Showing 1 response by paulsax

Seems to me that the point of the exercise is to maximize the enjoyment for your budget. If the system is too big physically that it pisses you off then clearly its too big. if the speakers are too big (performance wise) and still sound better then your other options and the money is right then whats the big deal. I recently heard some aerial 20T's in a small room and man that was nice. way better than my more modest units. If I had the cash I'd consider that in a heartbeat. It may be running the aerials in a non ideal state but if you like the sound then who cares. thoughts?