What makes a speaker sound great at low volume?

Most of the time I hear music at a low volume (wifey, apartment, ....). 

I am looking to upgrade my current speakers, but in my market scanning I would like to understand, if there are certain “metrics” to look for, before I start going to stores for listening. 

Any advice? 

Showing 1 response by rlb61

Crossovers are the most ignored, but most important consideration, IMHO. I recently went through the same process you’re going through now. I ended up with the 2 way Joseph Audio Pulsars, which provide everything I need ... great crossover (a Modafferi based and JA modified infinite slope), fabulous sound at low and high volumes, low distortion, and great looks. Couple them with a good sub and you’re good to go. BTW, I went from full range B&Ws to the 2 way Pulsars, and can say that I much prefer the more coherent sound of the 2 way with a sub than the full range speakers. 2 way speakers can "disappear" in a way that full range can’t. Of course, your room size will have a major impact on which way to go as far as speaker size is concerned.