What just happened to accepting Paypal?? looks like they are trying to drive us away

i may have over reacted... for some reason PayPal wants to drive me into a business account. Looks like the fees are the same so not sure what that is all about, I'm just suspicious by nature

If you switch to a business account which is pretty easy you get a merchant ID, enter it here, and move on. If you don't want to do that then they make it very complicated to fill out forms, etc. I gave up and switched to business, made up a bogus business name and am moving on...

Showing 22 responses by uberwaltz

As a seller the ONLY option I am allowed to offer is PayPal.
Unless I as the seller register for a Stripe account then that form of payment is not offered . If I did register for Stripe then I could offer both PayPal, Stripe or either or.

Members with a business account can offer to accept payment by check additionally.

So right now it looks like your seller must have been the one who set their payment to accept Stripe only.
I too have recently made usam transactions, 5 in total both sales and purchase.
All went very smoothly with PayPal being no hassle in any.

Making me wonder what is truly going  on with Agon.......
That reflects my thinking that it was all driven by PayPal and not Agon.
Agon unfortunately were caught with their pants down on the matter.

I usually list on all three major suspects of sales platforms and so far I would say it's a fairly even split between eBay and Agon.
For whatever reason I have never had much luck on Audiomart even though I price it a bit lower there as zero fees.

Ah well be 2020 before you know it!
The workaround is NOT B.S imho.
It does actually work with zero issues.
Over the last month I have sold three items here and zero issues being paid via Paypal.

Actually from memory I believe PayPal realized they had made it harder than it should be and you can now find your "merchant id" on your paypal account very easily.

Good luck to all and Merry Christmas!
It may never have been general communication.
I only know for two reasons.
1/ prior to the change I once accepted a check to then be told by Agon I could not do that and only business members could accept a check.
2/ they offered me separately a business membership at discount.
Audiogon WILL allow sellers to accept other forms of payment besides PayPal ONLY if you become a registered business user here on Audiogon.
Then you can state you accept check, cash etc.
However as this involves a monthly fee to Audiogon that's pretty useless IMHO.
EBay has been 10% commission for a very long time.
Up until about 4 years ago they had capped max fees to $250 so anything over $2500 sale it was $250 and no more.
Then they got even more greedy and raised that cap to $750 so items up to $7500 pay full 10% commission.

Not a bad scam for a few dollars worth of servers, few programmers and some customer service agents.
I already have done that twice of late in my "other" hobby.

Here I made two sales last week, both times I ended up just sending the buyers a direct invoice via my PayPal account. Easy enough especially as you can reference the listing id and everything to make it nearly ironcast.
But still not as fluid as it was or should be.

No way am I letting a jumped up entity like PayPal force me into creating a business account.
They can go jump first...….
I would agree by switching to a business account then every transaction would be reported to the IRS I believe.
Unlike present personal account where you have to exceed the already mentioned limits.
It truly is all driven by PayPal, Audiogon got caught with their pants down on this one.
Correct but you forgot the part where PayPal just lump ALL of your monies received regardless of its source and send it to the IRS.
It needs to be differentiated so the IRS can see truly what is occurring .

Trust me I have LIVED this problem for a couple years.......
Cannot say any more.....
Although I hate to say it, it does look like the new Ebay managed payments system will work out better for the hobbyists.
They also have to report to the IRS sales of 20k or 200 items BUT they do not know or care about any monies received via PayPal friends and family so at least it should be an accurate fair reporting from eBay.

Ok back to the topic at hand......
The figures are 200 sales or $20,000.
Which is a stupidly low figure as some of our hobby items can cost that or more on its own.
And this is from a personal account.
I have had " dealings" with the IRS and PayPal over this for the last 3 year’s.
PayPal at present does not differentiate between actual monies received from sales and gifts from friends and family sources.
This results in them sending the IRS incorrect and untruthful statements which then costs time and money to resolve.

Expect a change........
Thank you Tammy
Hoped you would be along with an explanation after my post......

Good old PayPal!
They are going to find themselves left out in the cold very soon.
Well ebay and paypal got divorced a few years back and I am sure ebay figured out they could make huge money off payments as well as sales fees.
They have undercut paypal rates by a whopping 0.1%, lordy I am going to save so much with ebay……...

Obviously somebody has to pay for a service but the switch to business account is not the right way to handle this.
A quick google search shows Audiogon is not the only site that paypal have targeted to switch over.

However this was handled badly by both paypal and audiogon imho.
EBay has already shown PayPal the door as they have their own " managed payments" system which all sellers will be enrolled in by 2020.
I am fairly sure it is all driven by PayPal right now although Audiogon could have done a much better job of letting its members know the deal imho
As far as I am aware there was just a tiny header popped up when I logged into the Gon about 5 days ago and that was it.
No large blurb or even an email would have been nice.
I guess if you missed it well then you missed it as far as the Gon is concerned.
And I refuse to sign up as business just to satisfy PayPal because I AM NOT a business and never will be.

Basically.... screw PayPal...….
You are correct.
Just another reason to avoid PayPal altogether.
At this rate I will go back to waiting and sending a USPS money order in the mail!

I did mine PRIOR to selling an item but looks like I am also stuck now in the same boat with buyer unable to complete.

Sorry Audiogon but looks like that might have been the last nail in your sales coffin for myself.
I did not have too much of an issue with using the Merchant ID thing but I have just sold an item here in the last 20 minutes so NOW will be the real test.
Will I get paid via Paypal or not.
We will see...…..
And do not forget that eBay are also trying to force customers away from PayPal too with their "managed payments" system which they say ALL sellers will be enrolled in by 2020 thereby leaving PayPal out in the cold for millions of transactions.

Guess it was an ugly divorce after all...….
Agreed it seems like it is driven just by Audiogon as when I saw this yesterday I too called PayPal and got the same answer.
C,Mon audiogon what are you playing at now??