What isolation feet under your amp with great result?

I'm looking for more cleaner, micro inner details. Not tone control or dynamic.
Amp is 82-lb. TIA

I have tried different footers over the years and was very disappointed with Sorbothane or the like. They sucked the life out of the music. I have had very nice results with Ansuz DTC Darkz footers. They quote expensive but performed quite well. i.e. enhanced detail, focus, soundstage and ease. I also have not tried the Critical Mass footers mentioned in this thread, but I was told by a very knowledgable audiophile that has tested so many very highend components over a lifetime that he has not seen any footer outperform the Critical Mass footers. I may demo a pair to compare with my DTC. BTW I was very very skeptical of Ansuz products and they have won me over. Best of luck.
I use Iso Pods from Voodoo Cable. Work well for me. Under Dac and 70 pound SS amp. 

three easy payments, I believe that ebm is describing to use the Critical Mass Center Stage as footers under the amp and, thus, between the amp and the Ultra Stealth platform.

That makes sense.  I've spoken to Peter before and in fact he convinced me to try the Ultra under my amp.  I may give the Rollerblocks a try.