What is your take on high efficient speakers vs. low efficient speakers?

Consider both designs are done right and your other equipment is well matched with the speakers.  Do you have any preference when it comes to sound quality?  Is it matter of economic decision when it comes to price? - power amps can become very expensive when power goes up, on the other hand large,  efficient speakers are expensive as well.  Is your decision based on room size?  I'd love to hear from you on the subject. 


Showing 3 responses by kennyc

I use high sensitivity 100db speakers to explore flea watt amplifiers' midrange magic on voices and certain instruments.  The amp is a 8wpc 300B.

I'm not fan of low sensitivity speakers.

For economic and the large number of choices (easier to find bargains), I like mainstream sensitivity floorstanders that can be easy driven by 100-300wpc, extended linear neutral across frequency spectrum, well defined extended bass, sparkling highs, satisfying midrange.  

But, I have never heard these systems deliver really low bass at a high level.

+1 @larryi

High efficiency speakers are the only choice to use with flea watt amps and that’s what they are usually paired with. Since bass requires a lot of air to be moved, a significant amount of energy is required, don’t expect extended linear bass.

The low watt amps are usually tube amps favored for their seductive midrange harmonic magic.

Most high efficiency speakers tend to be colored, but I did manage to find and purchase relatively linear neutral Volti Rival 100db speakers driven by the magical sound of my 300B 8watt amps. I wanted the cleanest window into my foray into flea watt amps.

I avoid low efficiency speakers as that limits amplifier choices to considerably more power and cost.

My non-flea watt speaker choice have mainstream efficiency which I define to easily run on 100-250wpc amplifiers. This affords me the greatest choices when looking for upgrade bargains. Like my flea watt speakers, i also wanted linear neutral clean window. I have the Vimberg Mino D.

Some members seem to advocate whether high efficiency speakers are better or not.  Sonics is my priority not speaker efficiency.  I only address speaker efficiency if it is required/driven by a sonic goal- wanting to hear flea watt 300b tube amp magic which would necessitate a very efficient speaker.