What is your take on high efficient speakers vs. low efficient speakers?

Consider both designs are done right and your other equipment is well matched with the speakers.  Do you have any preference when it comes to sound quality?  Is it matter of economic decision when it comes to price? - power amps can become very expensive when power goes up, on the other hand large,  efficient speakers are expensive as well.  Is your decision based on room size?  I'd love to hear from you on the subject. 


Showing 7 responses by bache

High Sensitivity Speakers without support sub or build in active woofers got low performance to produce low bass but some listeners dont care about low bass' They looking on techical characteritic and stupidly believed , what it say 

@alexberger   bass below 30-40 Hz is not issue. High sensitive drivers  got low moving mass and resonance up to 60-70Hz , so is basically got low performanse in bass . I build my Ls assosiated with my name with build in active bass, also is very important to mach the phase with middle bass . Theoretically is it possible improve the bass , but  cabinet size must be huge

@tannoy56  Below 30Hz ??   .  If  You dont want check by Sound Generator , there are a lot test Cd    to check it . Please  check and let us know.

@tannoy56  please cool down  , t think you big fan tannoy,  This is a very good Co, no question ,   They make only 93db sensitivity passive LS  and make now good line with build in Class D amp   .   And  also  , dont biieved for 100 % , what they say, check  ability to produce below 30Hz, and let us know , if you listen something 

after that -- i say Thank  you


@johnnycamp5   100% , just want to figure out , how  you know( My mains (104db) start to drop like a stone at around 80Hz. )

@tannoy56 you right about Tannoy 15" driver, this driver and also 15" JbL got very good bass response and good sensitivity, Bass is not go down like good sub. but still very good , especially punch bass, i can say this driver is exception from my post ,statement, i saw Scan Speak just came to market with new 15" Excellent driver with resonance 26 hz and 95dB, but still majority high sensivity  LS based on 6.5"  or 8 "  drivers  dont say true about  low frequency  and still need sub support


@larryi agree for 100% , i mention in my early post regarding high-efficincy --dont go down. Big size drivers included the very best 15’ Tannoy got much higher resonance to compare heavy cone with rubber surround. . Dont use Sub. We find solution to use high eff. 10 "light paper woofer with fabric surround and another 10" woofer with rubber surround and build in amp ( active) to cover 24-80hz . If anybody lost chance to listen in NY , they can listen in CAF this year.