What is your record cleaning regimen?

I am just getting into vinyl, and inheriting records, buying some used and most recently a few new. 

I have only a few hundred records so far, but I have invested in cleaning supplies.

Specifically, I have various pre-set solutions (groovewasher, Tergikleen, distilled water, simple green), a goat hair brush, micro fiber cloths, a baby scalp scrubber and a DeGritter machine (extravagant at this stage, but a huge time saver).

Here is my regime at this point. For any new record, whether inherited or bought, used or new, I wipe it with a dry cloth or the goat hair brush to remove any initial dust. Then I cover the label and spray some solution on it and use the baby scrubber to distribute the liquid around to cover the surface. Then I use a padded microfiber to wipe it off. Then I Degrit.

Btw, I tried WD-40 once, which does work to remove crackles, but subsequent cleanings cause those crackles to come right back, which to me indicates that WD-40 is leaving a residue on the record which I suspect is not helpful in the long run.

Likewise, the goat hair brush is so far disappointing as it seems to shed hair on the record which somewhat defeats its purpose.

Interested in other people's processes and I have a question. I have some older records that have persistent crackles. Will cleaning ultimately make those go away or do I just need to get over it?

I have ordered a record label protector that will allow me to wash in the sink with soap and water in the hopes of getting the ultimate clean.

Any thoughts from the analog folks here would be great.


Showing 3 responses by ghdprentice

I am lazy… so like to have results drive my cleaning. This to me is the right amount of cleaning.

First any new or used record goes on my Nelli cleaning mashing… first a pass with Last power cleaner and a last brush… then the cleaning machine and vac. Finishing with a coating of Last Record Preservative.


Before playing a pass with Last All Purpose Record Cleaner. This removes any dust from the previous plays.


Typically I get half a dozen plays before an album goes back to the record machine.



I think I got my last “refills” from Amazon. I have used this system for over thirty years…I occasionally try something different. But keep coming back to it. Yeah, you still need a record washer… but I havn’t found a better set of products.


Last Power Cleaner before record cleaning, using the Last brush.

Record Cleaning with a record vacuum cleaner (I still use VPI Cleaner… no great amount of research… it works fine. Maybe there is better).

Next use Last Preservative… reduces noice… theoretically it retards wear (I don’t know)… I have never “worn out” a record.

Then, before playing Last All Purpose Record Cleaner… removes dust in one revolution on the turntable. Very effective.


I recently bought a Ramar Record Brush ($350+)… ordered from Germany… very pretty, also the well rated Ortofon record brush ($30), and compared to my Hunt E.D.A. Mark 6 Brush… ( I quit on the Discwasher a couple decades ago). The Last was the quickest and most effective.



I really agree with your thoughts on the subject. Unfortunately, I have found that while half the new pressings I get are clean and quiet. The other half are not. I am told this is record release compound… I don’t know… I like being lazy. But I have learned over the years that the results are much better when I clean and treat new albums with Last Preservative. The cleaning being at least as important if not more important than the Last Preservative.