What is your opinion for MIT850 shotgun?

Recently, I had just bought a pair of MIT MH850 EVO shotgun to match with Avalon Eidolon, JeffRowland 8Ti, and pre-amp MBL6010c. But I had the problem of the bass too loose, focus not obvious,and too warm. Can anyone share with me your experiences? Thanks!

Showing 1 response by tubegroover

Hi-Fi, I find your observations the opposite of mine except for the warm part. I just purchased a pair of 770 Reference 2 tube cables and found an improvement on image focus and air, soundstaging, timbre accuracy and BASS definition (that's right) and the highs were more relaxed and natural without any loss of detail. I am at a loss as to the differences we hear but every cable I have tried up till now sounded too bright on top. I am now absolutely delighted with the sound and rate this upgrade among the 2 best in my system over the past year. It must be system matching. Maybe the differences in our systems?