What is your most beautiful component?

Sound qualities set aside... What is the most beautiful component in your system. If you can please provide links to a picture of it. For me it is my Basis 1400 turntable. This turntable is a piece of art. Unfortunately, I cannot find Basis' home page.

Showing 4 responses by mapman

Squeezebox Touch with Katie Perry or Sophie Millman artwork displaying.

Things head south when Lady Gaga cues up.
Thanks Podeschi.

My ears may be aging but luckily I think my eyes still work pretty well!
My Audio Research, Bel Canto and Dynaudio stuff is very nice looking for audio gear. Even the Carver stuff though build quality is technically lesser. But I would not go so far as to call any audio gear beautiful, with the one exception I noted in my post above.

I had a Norwegian beauty, a Tandberg tr2080 receiver for years. Maybe..... Tandberg gear is visually one of my favorites in general and also great performers, but most of it is getting up in years these days.
If other than in my audio system, I just bought a kitchen faucet aerator with built in LEDs that changes color to reflect the water temperature. Pretty...... My wife does not like it though because the water pressure results in a splashed and messy sink.