What is your favorite cover?

There are many great covers, such as Mr. Tambourine Man,by the Byrds.  I'm curious about everyone's favorite.


@notlistening - Indeed! Most of those covers on those Rick Rubin- produced Johnny Cash albums sound like they were written for him! My favorite might be 'The Mercy Seat', which is great whether Nick or Johnny sang it. That would be a good cover, 'Only Happy...'. 

This is a great, albeit somewhat ambiguous, thread.  I was int the process of laying my record jackets out on the floor(and had some real contenders) before I realized that it is about cover songs and not album covers. Corrected and contrite, I submit:  Marianne Faithful's cover of "Madame George" as my very favorites.

My favorite cover was by an art teacher

from the twin cities playing a small venue

in central Wisconsin. He played his version

of Leonard Cohen’s Hallelujah that blows away

any artist that ever did that song hands down.

He started playing it right after a break so the crowd

was still a little noisy but they quickly quieted down

to the point you could hear a pin drop. It was actually

quiet for a few seconds after he was done because

the audience was just stunned. I have never heard

anything better.