What is your cost for each system category ?

What cost priarity do you have for each system category: Speakers, Amplifier(s), Preamplifier(s), Primary Source (CD, tuner, turntable, etc.), and cables. This will help to determine where money should be spent in developing the ideal high-end stereo system regardless of total system price. Notice that I'm limiting the source to the primary unit only. You may have spent a bundle on all of your sources, but you can only listen to one source at a time. I'll start off by providing my priarity list.
Speakers: $20,700 37%
Amplifers: $16,800 30%
Preamplifier: $3,900 7%
CD Player: $6,700 12%
Cables: $7,800 14%

Showing 2 responses by ohlala

I wouldn't talk too much trash there Nrchy. This thread is a cousin to your "signal" loss thread. I'll give you a blue ribbon for your well-balancedness, though.

With more system information I think a cost ratios do mean something. It is murkied by personal preference, so one has to give the ratios a range, but after that, what does it mean? That the person with a system like mine who spends 50% of their budget on cables is audio retarded is one conclusion that can be drawn. Or maybe that person stole most of their equipment, but not their speaker cables...
I took it as extro instead of intro, I'm sorry. But I didn't feel anything on my toes.

"How do you know that this is related to 'the signal loss thread?'"

Related topics.

Everything is okay. There's nothing for you to be concerned about.