what is your configuration for the LFT-8c/LFT-VIIIc?


I just received my LFT-8c and I connected them this way

Dac connected to Preamp. Preamp from RCA out left to left speaker Sub Buffer input using the Y splitter on the Sub Buffer side same for the right speaker. Preamp to Amp and Amp to input for Mid and High on the speakers.

Dac > Preamp > Sub in the speakers by RCA

Dac > Preamp > Amp > Mid High in the speakers

I connected the twitter in the mid option, and I have not modified anything else besides reducing the bass by 3 db, the default was too much for me

Do you have any other configuration or any suggestion? 


There is a 0.6ms delay between woofer and midrange that should be factory set. My speakers wasn’t set, so be sure to do so. 

There is a few threads on Audiokarma that is on the 8C’s with quite a lot of good 

Phono + CDP > Preamp > Sub woofer >  Mono amps >  LFT midrange + tweeter panels