Asking for advice on Audiogon is no different from panning for gold... some days you just have no luck! I have been fortunate and found informative and thoughtful people on this site who have really helped me with my questions. One of the greatest photographers in the world, Ansel Adams, was often asked for advice from beginners. His response was always helpful and kind. Adams once gave a newbie the exact tripod position, the exact camera setting along with just about every technical set-up particulars one would need to take one of his famous nature pictures. Nothing hidden, no ego...just a knowledgable master offering a nugget to someone asking questions and wanting to learn.
What is wrong here.. on Audiogon?
I don't get it. I ask a legitimate question about help on picking a preamp for my Pass Labs amp. I get maybe 10 responses. Some other guy who apparently is not a Pass Labs fan, has a thread on Amps with lights/meters and which sound better? He gets 50 comments.. Is this an example of reality TV's effect on society? Maybe someone will become a hit on here telling fart jokes.. Just something to think about!