What is wrong here.. on Audiogon?

I don't get it. I ask a legitimate question about help on picking a preamp for my Pass Labs amp. I get maybe 10 responses. Some other guy who apparently is not a Pass Labs fan, has a thread on Amps with lights/meters and which sound better? He gets 50 comments.. Is this an example of reality TV's effect on society? Maybe someone will become a hit on here telling fart jokes.. Just something to think about!

Showing 9 responses by coachpoconnor

Yes, I did get some good replies. miller carbon & glennewdick..yes I've had several very helpful people around here and to those people, thank you. I just would not expect that much interest in a thread that seemed so dumb.. IMHO.

I understand what your saying but, the sound of amps with meters vs the sound of amps without? Huh? Seems awfully anti-intellectual for this crowd.
Thank you sir. Much appreciated. The gain for the LS3 is 18 with the ability to change it to 10 with a resistor and capacitor change. At this juncture, I'm kinda neutral on the Audio Research but I would like to have a remote control and my version of the LS3 doesn't have one.
Mr. Al..it was a light hearted thread about a light hearted thread. but as in all things, I believe there to be truth to it.

So your saying, a PS Audio Gain Cell Dac or similar would be a good choice? How about a Schiit Saga?
I know.. isn't it great!
 I've been laughing for the last five minutes and the Lights and Meters are great also. I admit I might have been a little bored this afternoon.
There is one thing this proves to me... this forum likes a little controversy. I've never seen a thread of mine get so many hits. I will research all suggestions thanks!
So this really isn't any different than watching TV.. any provocative solacious thread, gets attention and quality PBS programing goes unwatched.
Mr. Al..it was a light hearted thread about a light hearted thread. but as in all things, I believe there to be truth to it.