What is wrong here.. on Audiogon?

I don't get it. I ask a legitimate question about help on picking a preamp for my Pass Labs amp. I get maybe 10 responses. Some other guy who apparently is not a Pass Labs fan, has a thread on Amps with lights/meters and which sound better? He gets 50 comments.. Is this an example of reality TV's effect on society? Maybe someone will become a hit on here telling fart jokes.. Just something to think about!

Showing 1 response by badger_erich

Another Noob here. I am picking up on some of the information, style, prose, and "culture".  It is obvious that there are "experts" posting here....but the forum is very hit & miss when I compare it to others I frequent.
I have taken this as the audiophile forums are... lets say...different. I'll never afford $20,000 speakers or spend $20,000+ on a system. BUT I do appreciate quality and affordability for myself. That being said I'll pick and choose the topics I think are of value to me. Sometimes I'll have a response...most times not.

I also do not care for the forum software here. I would rather answer a post directly and have my post answered directly than scroll the entire page to post. Then...you hunt for answers.