What is trully important?

So I read about all these expensive bits of gear here and I have some thoughts. In the world of large money bands and their touring where individual seats can cost well north of 5G is there any sort of restriction on equipment they can buy? I don't think so and they want fidelity. What do recording studios use for session recordings? Is the idea of true to life important and what do you use to get there? Does real life reproduction matter or is some sort of electronic pure tonal thing the most important even though you will never hear that in live venues.
  I am fascinated by the amount of money spent that the pros never spend to get results and the pros are a purely result driven group.

Showing 1 response by snapsc

All of us started somewhere....maybe with a pro audio system used at home and maybe with a bunch of component home audio system pieces...and for most of us....for a while...it sounded good.   Then, we began to notice a few things that were missing....or a few things that were exaggerated. And then the hunt was on...tweak this, add that, etc.  That lasted for a while.

Then, not sure why, our tastes changed...some needed detail....others needed bass....still others need soundstage....and so the hunt was on again.

What is the point....it doesn't matter what you started with....it doesn't matter what you have now....it doesn't matter what your next tweak is....as kosst_amojan said, its about the experience....and as our tastes change, as we move and have different rooms...as we hear different things, we search for the equipment that ultimately gives us the experience we desire at that time.

For some, the pro audio equipment works....for many, it does not...and more than likely, they have tried it along the path of their journey.