What is the Silliest Accessory You Have Ever Seen.

I was flipping through the accessory pages at the Cable Company and came up with this https://www.thecableco.com/hallograph.html You have to be kidding me. Of all the dumb, idiotic, profoundly stupid things I have ever seen. The marketing is even better! Have you seen anything worse! It is up to us to uncover these things for what they are, SCAMS.


Showing 2 responses by grannyring

Even without springs they make a nice sonic improvement. Try one and report back to us.  
Seems the OP is not the innovative type or intentionally curious. Perhaps not very opened minded also? Not sure about that one yet.  

He can have his opinion and those of us who have a different one should just be secure in ours and let others rattle on and on ....

Enjoy your music Agoners!