What is the proper loudness for listening?

Paul McGowan via YouTube claims that each room, system and recording has a specific sound level at which music sounds most "real"

I've noticed this myself listening to my 3 different systems set up in differing rooms. Thought I was crazy to think so but I guess maybe I'm not?

Also, have notice in smaller listening rooms that lower maximum volume levels sound more real.  Going too high on volume in a small room just overloads it and results in distortion

Any comments?


Showing 1 response by barts

I have listened at very high levels.  Hovering ~100db.  That is as loud as I care to listen, my system will do that all day,,,,I like overkill.  But, as I age I prefer music that has a large dynamic range, so it peaks at ~100db.  There is no set rule, but having said that, a good db meter will tell you (no matter what room) that its overloaded, your ears should tell you first.

To answer your question: yes I agree that every piece of music has a "proper" listening level.  I'll only add "determined by you".

