What is the most FUN pair of speakers you've ever had and why?

Not the most expensive, not the best reviewed, not the biggest, but the most FUN.  You know, that ONE that just makes you throw on some more music and keep listening, the one that makes your toes tap, your head bob, your ass move the most.  The one that makes you think to yourself "damn, why doesn't everyone have a pair of these?" Let 'er rip. 
Excuse me off topic but wondering if you have replaced any crossover components in your D9s? I got a pair of DX9 in perfect shape a month or so ago and they are lots of fun. It does not sound like anything goofy going on but wonder what some fresh maybe slightly higher end caps might do. Pulled out the crossover board just to look at it. Didnt measure anything but looks damn near brand new. 
Totem Model 1.
I have since sold them and bought a pair of inexpensive Totem Dreamcatchers for a HT setup and that worked well for a while.
The Dreamcatchers are now back in an audio setup, paired with a Devialet 200 and two Rhythmic F8 subs, they are not just fun, that setup is ridiculously groovy! 
I was fortunate to buy a fully intact JBL Metregon @ a house sale for $100. They sounded great and was surely a GREAT conversation piece‼️