What is the most FUN pair of speakers you've ever had and why?

Not the most expensive, not the best reviewed, not the biggest, but the most FUN.  You know, that ONE that just makes you throw on some more music and keep listening, the one that makes your toes tap, your head bob, your ass move the most.  The one that makes you think to yourself "damn, why doesn't everyone have a pair of these?" Let 'er rip. 

Showing 2 responses by sns

It seems whatever speakers I have are the most fun, modifying speakers is my idea of fun. Dahlquist DQ10, mirror image and internal wiring mods. Various models of Alon's, cabinet and driver mods. Merlin VSM-MM, just about every part within BAM and Duelund VSF caps in speaker. Present Klipschorns, every single thing modified with exception of bass portion of cabinet.
I generally keep speakers for many years, by doing mods over relatively long periods of time I create better synergy with partnering equipment. Tuning my system by ear, and for relatively little expense is both great fun and devoid of the audiophile nervosa equipment churning brings me.
And I still have both the Dahlquists and Merlins, can't bring myself to sell them. Dahlquists have been in storage for thirty years, perhaps someday I'll reinstate them. Hearing DQ10's,  Maggies and Dynaco speakers in various high end systems back in the 1970's brought me first awareness of high fidelity.

I love to modify my speakers, so any speaker amenable to modification. Outboard crossovers, ability to change out drivers, even the physical horns in my case.