What is the most FUN pair of speakers you've ever had and why?

Not the most expensive, not the best reviewed, not the biggest, but the most FUN.  You know, that ONE that just makes you throw on some more music and keep listening, the one that makes your toes tap, your head bob, your ass move the most.  The one that makes you think to yourself "damn, why doesn't everyone have a pair of these?" Let 'er rip. 

Showing 1 response by marqmike

bpoletti1,066 posts12-27-2019 9:49pmOh boy, that takes me back. Bozak Concert Grands.

Yup I don't know what can compare to those. A beautiful(refridgerator) wall of sound.
If you have a good handle on building a 'like sound' of those B410's could you pm me.? Probably be a fun project.