What is the most analytical sounding amplifier that you have heard?

Some people like analytical and even consider this quality a signal of neutrality or honesty, so I don't want this to come off as a hate thread. ;-) 

Showing 3 responses by seanheis1

Does analytical mean accurate?
mapman, the Stereophile definition is the best that I know of:

analytical - "Very detailed, almost to the point of excess."
So you see a much better definition of analytical is everything there, nice and neutral, only sterile, lifeless.

See how much better that is?

millercarbon, I still like Stereophile's definition best.

If something is neutral (which really doesn't exist) it can't also be sterile & lifeless.

There are of course sterile sounding amplifiers, but that doesn't mean that they have to be excessively detailed.

For example, a lack of the second harmonic and a distortion profile dominated by small amounts of intermodulation distortion can create a sterile sound...without excess detail.