What is the Mcintosh Sound & how does it compare ?

I have read many times, it's great stuff if you like ths Mcintosh sound ! I am looking at a Mac C220 & maybe a MC352. How does a C220 sound compared to a Audio Research SP 16 or Rogue 99 or Audible Illusions M3A ? Thanks gang !

Showing 2 responses by jaybo

extremely balanced...dare i say neutral. cleaner than clean power to spare.
ironically, tube owners tout the ss-like qualities of the mc...absolute control and neutrality....while the ss gear is said to be more mellow and tube-like than other ss brands. the arc is great, but a mac pair...ss, tubes, or a mix...is a destination set up for sure.....can get the best out of most loudspeakers, and never sound agressive or fatiguing.