What is the life of a Grado Wood cartridge?

I spoke with John Chapis,chief engineer of Grado and I asked him how long does a wooden cartridge last.He stated well you've got 2 minutes to talk to me.How does 5,000 hours sound to you.It all depends on the care of your vinyl
and the use of a stylus cleaner.If you use clean records
it should last you a very long time.
I spoke with other dealers who stated it should be changed before 1,000 hours due to the inward parts detereating over time even if the cartridge is not being used.
What is the coorect answer? Was John just trying to sell me his top of the line cartridge,or was he just giving me an answer I wanted to hear?

Showing 1 response by zavato

Cartridge life can be considerable- my Linn Arkiv B, which I bought in the early 2000's, and gets maybe an hour or 2 playing time a week, is still going strong.