What is the function/pupose of music plyr/streamer

Sorry guys another neophyte here with a simple question.
I am going to set up a Computer sourced link into my audio system (sooner or later, once I figure this out).
I "think" I have the basics of the chain down; Computer, Bridge/Converter, DAC, Amp. However I don't understand what advantage a music player/streamer would afford me.(I will be using a MAC and using mostly Apple Lossless files). So this invites 3 questions for me.
1. Why do I or would I need a Music player or Music Streamer? (they are the same, right?)
2. When used, where should it go in the chain?
3. While these devices often list support for many different kinds of audio files, almost none actually say they support Apple lossless, is this because they don't or they just don't want to spell it out?
Thanks for your patience with some of us new/old (double jeopardy) guys.
But any info would be much appreciated.

Showing 1 response by magfan

Steve, in what way are ALAC and Airplay 'flawed'? As near as I can tell, you can reconstruct a bit-accurate copy of the original file using ALAC. or FLAC, for that matter.

Correct me if I'm wrong. My airport express has NO decoding codex resident. My computer streams a bitstream which will look similar if ALAC or MP3-160.
The bitstream will be passed along to a DAC thru optical or as analogue thru RCA......SO that means the AE has a DAC? I know clocking is poor and jitter an issue.

I like the Keep It Simple, but would change to a Firewire DAC in preference to USB.