What is the first album you purchased, and do you still have it?

My record collection is my passion.  I started buying albums when I was in 9th grade.  I was hooked.  I don;t think I missed a weekend visit to the local record shop in the mall from the time I was 16 until I graduated college.  I still own those albums that I took so much care to choose..Just wondering if anyone else holds such memories dear and are sentimentally holding on to their old albums.  I still play them and enjoy them every bit as much as I did back in the day.
And my first album was Elton John...Goodbye Yellow Brick Road.  Sometimes I look at the covers and think, I have listened to these so much, I am jaded.  But I put them on and enjoy them as much as I ever did.
My parents had a console stereo in the living room. I had 3 older sisters and I listened to their records. But the first record I bought, with my own money, came when I was in Junior High School.

Michael Viner's Incredible Bongo Band - "Bongo Rock" - I've listened to this record several hundred times. Was a passing fade back in the day. But their version of "Apache", from this album,  became the most sampled song ever.

Still have it and still listen to it about once a year.
Decembers Children (MONO) - Rolling Stones (purchased Dec. 1965 - paid $2.79)Still my favorite Stones album along with "Aftermath" and "Out of Our Heads".Stopped buying Stones albums after Brian Jones death.Check out Brian Jones pic on the cover of "Between The Buttons" - totally wasted!
Pink Floyd, Relics. I no longer have that copy but have recenly bought the reissue.
You are all so young. I have to reference a 78 recording of Vaughn Monroe singing Ghost Riders in the Sky. I must have been 6 or 7 years old. Wish I still had it. The other day at a ranch campfire when some folks were singing western songs someone in their 30s actually referenced that recording. It is a true classic.