What is the current retail cost of your reference system?

It would be interesting to share this as I am not sure some of us understand how decisions are made within the framework of cost and resolution. Please avoid used prices as that muddys the water significantly. Also cabling costs would be revealing as well if willing to share. 


Showing 4 responses by tonywinga

My wife and I moved into our second house many years ago.  After two corporate moves we had done very well.  I was very proud of our beautiful 2800 sqft home in a beautiful neighborhood.  My parents came over for a visit and were appalled when they saw our new home.  They said no one needs a house this big.  I grew up in a small farm house with one wood and one gas stove for heat.  My parents drove older cars.  My dad had a good paying job.  It was their choice to live frugally and be self sufficient, as did most of their family- my grandparents, aunts and uncles.  None of them were poor but were hardworking and actually spent money on their hobbies.  Still, a car or an appliance was not discarded until there was no chance of reviving it.  I chose differently.  Still, my upbringing certainly tempered my choices with regards to luxury and ostentatiousness.  I could potentially sink twice what I have in my stereo system but for my internal limitations.  On the other hand, I celebrate what others have achieved in terms of sound quality with their ultra systems.  We all need the trickle down technology that starts with costs only the rich can afford.

And one other thing- good quality sound is much more affordable these days compared to the audio hobby of the 1960s.  I remember my dad bringing home a Philco 25” Color TV in 1968.  Cost for that TV today would be $6000.  Seeing Star Trek on that TV in 1968 was amazing.

Point is, why do we judge people for the amount of money they spend on their hobby?  If the kids are going hungry and without shoes then that is a different matter.

@orenstein. Wish you showed pictures. I bet it is an amazing stereo.  What cables do you use?