What is the current retail cost of your reference system?

It would be interesting to share this as I am not sure some of us understand how decisions are made within the framework of cost and resolution. Please avoid used prices as that muddys the water significantly. Also cabling costs would be revealing as well if willing to share. 


Showing 4 responses by kota1


as most folks own Sonos, Bose

Most folks who would be replying to your post are members who typically use those products as a secondary system, not reference.

If you can share what you are trying to achieve with your system specifically it would be easier to answer. Do you just need to set a budget for a build or to buy something?

Current cost is $1,000,000

Cable cost is $250,000

Next question, what should I upgrade next 🤔

I have an extra million lying around and I’m thinking about a new amp, suggestions?

PS- The OP question makes no sense so neither does my answer.


@jpwarren58 , I realize you are a newbie, not trying to be harsh but this question is beyond vague. Are you looking to start a build or what?


I'll bet if you put the $5000 system in the $150,000 room it would sound like a $50,000 system in an average room.


While a custom built room is obviously the SOA way to go the average member here could get a massive upgrade by simply getting a room "kit". The first one is from Auralex, the second one from SonitusUSA. There are many others and treatments can of course be hidden behind acoustically transparent fabric: