What is the current retail cost of your reference system?

It would be interesting to share this as I am not sure some of us understand how decisions are made within the framework of cost and resolution. Please avoid used prices as that muddys the water significantly. Also cabling costs would be revealing as well if willing to share. 


Showing 3 responses by jusfre

I’ll play.  I’m retiring early so this is probably my end game.  I started this system two years ago.  

BnW 802D4 26k

shitty HT amp (upgrading as soon as stock market rebounds to Moon 860Av2) 20k

Cambridge CXN streamer 1.3 k

HT subs 4k (plan to upgrade to 10k)

x-over (JL audio) 3k

power con 1k

cables 1k

Acoustic Curtains/DIY Panels 1.5k

64k Total.  Wow. I could have bought a Tesla.  






To the haters in this thread, it’s only a pissing contest if you make it one.  

+1 coppy777

“Interesting... a wide variance in equipment quality.  Yet so many strong opinions on items that affect SQ. …  How can we really share SQ experience on say, cables, with member owned systems from Sonos to $1M plus?  All good but just huge differences in resolving power.  And what important to each of us.”

we all take a different journey in gear which influence our perception and experiences on percentages invested in SQ.

For me it’s about the music and the hours of enjoyment. Although I’ll admit the more I spend, the more I listen