What is the Bu-ray plauyer that you are using?

Anything suggestions about blu-ray players, I found some blu-ray players in this article, are you using one of them?

Or directly share yours with me


Showing 2 responses by carlsbad

I use LG HD player for HT. I don't know of any HT/bluray player that is good for quality 2 channel sound. Iike most here, I use a CD transport going to my DAC for 2 channel sound. In fact, since I don't listen to CDs often, I didn't realize how bad my blueray player was at playing 2 channel sound until I went to Roon. I decided to compare music streamed via Qobuz to the same CD and I was surprised that the streamed music was much superior. Upon thinking about it, it was obvious to me that the cheap built-in DAC in my bluray player can't hold a candle to my $15K stand alone. I promptly bought a CD transport.

Too late to edit my post above but I may be confused.  My LG blueray player may have digital out via optical and if so, then I was using my DAC.  It was still inferior to qobuz and the transport that replaced it.