What is the best way to hook up a Denon DVD-2910 ?

I have a 2 channel system & am going to add a Denon DVD-2910 to it and want to know the best way to hook it up, Audio outs, or Surround outs(setting to Large Speakers then turning all other channels off). The reason I ask is on my Philips DVD 795 SA player I got much better sound by using the Surround outs & turning all other channels off then by using the Audio outs. This may just be a quirk of that paticular player. Anybody have any thoughts on this?
Thanks, Bob

Showing 1 response by tune_man

Thanks for the great responses. I have an Acurus RL 11 Preamp with Analog outs (no digital)a basic 2 channel preamp from 1995 or so. No external DAC. I want to get the best performance from the Denon playing SACD's (most of mine are 2 channel, but a few are Multi-channel) and DVD-Audio and some Redbook CD's (most redbook will be handled by my Jolida 100A/NOS GE5751 Tubes CD Player). I will try the Downmix Mode(I am asuming it is accessible on the menu?)and thanks for the tip on trying the download mix & stereo mix to see which is better as I would not have tried that as I would have assumed the Stereo mix would be better for my situation.